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My queen Karo (2009) movie with subtitles

“My Queen Karo (2009)” is a film set in the 1970s hippie culture. It follows the lives of a young girl and her parents in Amsterdam squatters. Nothing is certain after 10-years-old Karo and her parents Raven and Dalia join a squatter’s settlement on the Amsterdam Wallen to live a life without limits. Raven begins a relationship with a fellow activist shortly after, while Dalia tries to establish a life for herself. The community has its problems, such as striving to stay afloat without being evicted. Karo must navigate her way through the chaos. The film is an autobiographically inspired, delicate coming-of-age story of a little girl that is both touching and humorous. Language: Flemish Dutch French. Subtitles: English, Portuguese, French Watch full playlist here


Anastasia said...

Hi! Thank you for this movie! How to switch to full screen?

FilmBox said...

Hi! This is a private video. Click on the red links below to view all parts on DailyMotion website.