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Blue jeans 1977 - Du beurre aux allemands - French movie

Language: French. Subtitles: English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian
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Hugues Burin des Roziers directed the 1977 French film “Blue Jeans”. Julien Morin, 11 years old, is on vacation on the English shore. Julien and the older Jean-Pierre had a romantically tinted rapprochement there. Julien, an eleven-year-old French boy from an affluent family, is studying English with other pupils on the English shore at Herne Bay, Kent. The lads, on the other hand, are less interested in learning and prefer to spend their time in amusement arcades with English girls. Julien also has a buddy named Janet, with whom he goes to the movies and walks on the pier. He quickly learns, however, that she is in love with an older French boy named Jean-Pierre, not with him. Instead of being envious, Julien joins the couple and becomes Jean- Pierre's boyfriend, to the point that they no longer need Janet to go about the beach.
Language: French. Subtitles: English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian

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