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"Большие хлопоты из-за маленького мальчика (1967)" - Big Troubles for Small Boy - soviet film

Borya, a five-year-old boy actor, vanished from the filming room on the thirteenth take. While exploring the studio, the boy unintentionally participates in the filming of another film and then gets into a toy rocket for the children's playground, which is quickly immersed in a truck and transported with the boy from the studio. Borya is already on the lookout for Tamara Vasilyevna, a police lieutenant. Heroes will have to travel to numerous iconic spots in Kiev in quest of the small boy, including the Green Theater, the Dnepr River beaches, and the Kiev Circus. Nobody anticipated the search for the missing young kid to span the entire city. As a result, Borya will be found in the circus following his "major troubles."
"Big Troubles for Small Boy" is a happy and upbeat children's adventure comedy set in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, with no "communist" agitation. Veniamin Vasilkovsky and Alexander Muratov directed the film, which was written by Evgeny Onoprienko and shot at the Dovzhenko film studio. Collectors of Soviet cinema adore the film since it was shot during one of the most liberated periods in cinema history.
Language: Russian. Subtitles: English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French.

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